Herbal Cough Syrup
As much as I take care of my family and try to build up their immune system, there's still the many toxins that we're still exposed to on a daily basis that causes one of us to get sick. In this case, my 17 yr old daughter. She has a beautiful voice and sings in a worship band so getting sick with a cough for her is tough because it makes it difficult for her to sing.
I made an herbal cough syrup for her and although it tastes pretty nasty (according to her), it helps! It's an old-time remedy made with onions:
It is made by chopping up two large onions, placing into a glass pan and covering the onions with liquid honey, so the honey is at least one half inch above the onions in the pan. You can either place on low heat for several hours in a double boiler or in a pan over a pot of boiling water. Allow the onions to sit in the honey for a couple of hours. Stir, strain and press out the liquid and use it as a cough syrup. This can be from a teaspoon every 15 min or half hour, as needed. The juice extracted from the onion helps in loosening the cough and clearing chest congestion.
Another remedy, which I'm about to make, is to take some fresh ginger root and grate about an inch of ginger. Then squeeze the gratings to fill a teaspoon of ginger "juice". Mix the juice with a teaspoon of honey. You have another effective home remedy for cough. Use twice a day.
Make sure your loved one drinks plenty of herbal teas that have an expectorant effect on the lungs such as mullein, marshmallow, licorice or eucalyptus. These herbs also have some anti-inflammatory effects which help in soothing congested chest and licorice contains natural substances that help break up and loosen mucus.
Avoid dairy products as these are mucous forming foods and can aggravate the cough even further.
I have also been rubbing my daughter's chest and back with Dr. Christopher's Sen Sei Menthol Rub ointment which is a synergistic blend of herbs used for tension headaches, sinus pressure and sore muscles. It's used as a vaporizer and natural decongestant. She gets a lot of relief when I rub her down with that.
Another remedy which helps open up bronchial airways: Take half an onion, chop it up, place it in olive oil and warm up in a saute pan. Allow onions to cool down but not too much, then rub mixture on chest. Place warm cloth and allow the healing properties of the onions to penetrate into the chest cavity. I also place a heating pad on top of the warm cloth for continued comfort.
Of course all this takes time so you need to pray for peace, strength and patience as you take care of either yourself or your loved ones.
God has placed healing properties in the plants He created such as the onions and other herbs I have described. They all have special healing properties and we would do a great benefit to our bodies to take advantage of God's pharmacy.
Be blessed! :)
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