Oral Mouth Health

Ah the fall weather! I love it! Yesterday was Thanksgiving and I have so much to be thankful for - family & friends being at the top of the list. Everything else is second.

Psalm 100:4 says: Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name. :)

I want to share about an herbal formula that helps with gum health. It's called Dr. Christopher's Herbal Tooth and Gum Powder. This formula is used to help strengthen the gums (bleeding & pyorrhea-type infections of the gums), and it assists in tightening loose teeth. This type of tooth powder will brighten teeth's luster and make for a healthier mouth.

I started using this because my gums have been bleeding and I went to the dentist and he said my gums have receded. He said what drs always say, "There's nothing you can do about it". Well, I would like to prove him wrong.

The herbal powder is a combination of the following herbs which have proven helpful in gum health: white oak bark, oat straw, comfrey root, horsetail grass, lobelia, cloves & peppermint.

You use the powder in place of regular toothpaste. Since it's a powder, you can pour a little in the palm of your hand and dip your toothbrush into it. Then brush your teeth as normal. In severe cases of gum disease, you can place the powder combination between the lips and gums around entire tooth area and leave on all night, six nights a week until improvement is evident.

I also use essential oil of peppermint as a mouthwash. Place a few drops in a glass and add water, swish around/gargle and rinse. Essential oil of myrrh is also extremely helpful with gum problems and you can use this as a mouthwash as well. Or you can go to the health food store and purchase an already made mouthwash with these oils in the ingredients.

You can purchase any of Dr. Christopher's herbs here:

Also, I noticed that when I stopped taking AIM's Gingko Sense, that my gums started acting crazy. Gingko is known to help with neuro health, especially with circulation to the brain, but apparently it also helps with gum health! The following description is from my AIM website & you can purchase this produce from there as well:

"This unique combination – ginkgo biloba with the essential fatty acid DHA, plus bilberry fruit extract, and the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin – provides overall support for your neuro health. Lutein and zeaxanthin, which are carotenoids found in green leafy vegetables, are essential for maintaining good eye health. And, like other carotenoids, they provide antioxidant support. Meanwhile ginkgo increases blood flow to the brain and supports circulation to the extremities."

Have a beautiful day and God bless you! :)


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