Natural Cold & Flu Remedies
Well, it's that time of season again - cold & flu season. We recently moved out to the country - Hungerford, TX - to be exact. It was purely a GOD thing and I'm so thankful for the Hall family who opened their home to us. It's a blessing!
We're living in cotton country - when we moved out here it was the middle of cotton pickin' season and boy did allergies get ruffled! Now that the cotton has all been picked, winter season is fast approaching and with that comes other ailments.
Here's a great tea remedy using Ginger, Raw Honey and Lemon for when you feel that nasty bug of a cold coming on or if you already have a cold. It's very comforting and soothing.
Cut up ginger slices, place in small pot, simmer for about 20 min.
Pour in tea cup
Add tablespoon honey and squeeze in about half a lemon
Stir and let steep (place a plate over your cup and let it sit there for about 5 min or so)
Drink and enjoy :)
GINGER is great for congestion, sore throats, pain relief and it also aids digestion, nausea and bloating.
RAW HONEY has so many benefits! It strengthens immune system and is a powerful antioxidant among many things.
LEMONS, apart from being natural liver cleansers, have Vitamin C & bioflavonoids which promote immunity and fight infection.
So, with all that said, if you have cold, instead of running to pharmacy section of the grocery store, visit the fruit & veggie area and you'll feel better knowing that you made a healthier choice in battling that nasty cold bug.
Stay tuned for more natural remedies for winter!
Be blessed!
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