Gallbladder/Liver Flush

Have you ever considered doing a Liver/Gallbladder Flush?

A whaaattt? lol :)

If you want to flush out toxins and sludge and even gallstones from your liver/gallbladder, then this is the way to do it! FYI: this is not medical advice by any means. I am sharing my story for educational purposes only.

First, let's review some basic anatomy & physiology! The liver is the largest internal organ. The liver sits on the right side of the abdominal cavity and the gallbladder lies right beneath the liver. 

Did you know the liver is the only organ in the human body that can regenerate? Isn't that cool? That's actually good news!

The liver has several functions and the liver's main job is to filter the blood coming from the digestive tract, before passing to the rest of the body. The liver regenerates itself and it's a vital organ with over 500 different functions; therefore, we need a strong, healthy liver to recover from illness and just over-all health. Unfortunately, with today's toxic lifestyles and processed foods, many suffer with NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease) or fatty liver for short. 

I have seen children as young as 8 years old suffering with this! Parents, you are setting your kids up for failure with the SAD diet (Standard American Diet) if you live in USA and that's what I've seen. Thankfully, there is a solution - buy healthier foods and prepare foods as a family. Make cooking healthy food fun for your kiddos. Let them see that eating healthy is possible! Ok but I digress.... back to the flush, which I don't recommend for kids, and I also don't recommend if you have serious medical condition.

Gallbladder/liver flushes have been very effective in passing and dissolving stones. This flush is pretty easy to do, and I recommend that you eat a light, alkaline diet a few days prior to the flush so that the liver is not over-taxed or stressed. 

I remember the first time I did this cleanse it was pretty shocking! lol :) It seriously does remove gallstones without surgery! 

How do you know if you need a liver/gallbladder flush? Do you eat out? Are you exposed to toxins on a daily basis? Then yes, you need to cleanse your liver. 

Ok so here's how I did it...... it's best to do it when you don't have to work, and you can relax and give your body some rest and love afterwards. Also, you have to make sure your colon drainage pathway is "open" - in other words, don't try to do this if you're constipated. You need to make sure you are having regular bowel movements prior to doing this flush. There are several herbs/fibers to open your bowels: psyllium seed, chia seeds, flax, aloe, slippery elm, marshmallow root. There are stronger stimulating laxatives like cascara sagrada or senna, which do tend to cause stomach pain or cramping so try the fiber and milder laxatives first.

Ok, in order to do liver/gallbladder flush you will need:

  • Apple juice or malic acid supplements (optional)
  • 4 Tablespoons of Epsom Salts
  • 1/2 Cup of Virgin Olive Oil
  • 1 big grapefruit, or 3 lemons


1. For 4-5 days before your liver flush, eat as many apples, or drink as many apple juice as you can. You can take malic acid supplements if you wish if you can't drink the juice. In the last 2 days, drink 8 oz of apple juice every 2-3 hours. Doing this will help ensure the liver flush is successful.


2. On day 6, eat a light breakfast with no fat. This enables the bile in your liver to accumulate, putting pressure in your liver. This pressure will eliminate more stones in your liver.


3. At 2:00 PM, the same day, mix 4 tablespoons of Epsom Salts in 3 cups of water, pouring all this into some jar. Do NOT drink or consume any foods after 2 PM. This is extremely important! Put this jar in the cooler/refrigerator to make it cold


4. At 6:00 PM, drink 3/4 cup of this mixture. It will taste very bad... but you can add 1/8 tablespoons of powdered Vitamin C to make it taste better.


5. At 8 PM, drink another 3/4 cup of this mixture. Get all your errands done and prepare for the liver flush. You shouldn't be doing ANYTHING after doing a liver flush, just lying down and sleeping.


6. At 9:45 PM, pour 1/2 cup of virgin olive oil into a jar. Squeeze the entire grapefruit into the mix, removing the pulp with a fork, or chopsticks. You should have 1/2 to 3/4 cups of grapefruit juice mixed with the virgin olive oil the jar. Close the jar and shake it very hard until it is all liquid.


7. At 10 PM, drink this mixture. You may drink it through some large straw if that makes it easier for you. Try to get it all down by 5 mins or so.


8. Lay down in your bed as soon as you are down. This is crucial, and most people do this wrong. Don't do any work, don't even bother brushing your teeth! Just lay down immediately! Lay on your right side, with your right knee up towards your chin for 20 or so mins. Stay still and try not to move at all. Try to sleep.


9. The next morning, when you wake up, drink a 3rd dose of your 3/4 cup Epsom salts. It will be pretty gross - I felt nauseous after drinking it since it's on empty stomach. Just breathe and relax. You can go back to sleep afterwards.


10. Two hours later, drink the last dose of Epsom salts. (By this time, you will definitely be best friends with your toilet!)


11. Only after 2 more hours can you eat anything, but do not eat solid food just yet. Start with liquids and move slowly to fruit. Do not try to eat heavy meal after this flush. Eat light foods - sauteed veggies, bone broth, organic juices.

What can you expect?

The next morning, you can expect some sort of diarrhea (this is caused by the Epsom salts). You will or will not see some gallstones afterwards. Some people just eliminate regular wastes, but others eliminate hundreds of gallstones. Look for green, round things - these are gallstones. If they float and are green, they are gallstones. Don't freak out! :) After the flush, give your body some TLC. You just went through a lot! Spend the rest of the day relaxing.


Also note, most people don't even get gallstones in their first liver flush. Be patient! Wait one more week before you do another liver flush. Have you tried a gallbladder/liver flush? I would love to hear your comments :)

All information in this article is for educational purposes only. 
It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition. 


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