What constitutes a healthy lifestyle?

Good morning Houston!

Have you heard the expression home is where the heart is? I have come to think about this phrase and how it relates to a healthy lifestyle.

My blog is named WHOLE health because I believe health is not just about popping a vitamin and all of a sudden you're gonna feel great. To me, health is all encompassing - body, mind, spirit.

One of the ways for us to have a healthy lifestyle has to do with our home - where our heart is. Your home, whether young or old, is your place of refuge. The place where you hang your heart so to speak and relax. It's the place that people get a glimpse into your life based on your decorations, ambiance, etc.

With that mind, I believe that as a born-again Christian, our homes should reflect Christ. Having a messy home while being involved in ministries outside of the home is not, in my opinion, giving a great impression of Christ to your family or the people who visit your home. I understand everyone has "off" days but we should strive to be good stewards of what God has entrusted to us. I don't believe God calls us to minister to others and leave our own home to fall by the wayside.

Whether your are single, married, divorced, widowed God has called us to live a life worthy of Him and having a clean or semi-clean home is not only part of what constitutes a healthy lifestyle but it's also a great way to reflect Christ and be hospitable. God has called us all to hospitality.

So yes, home is where the heart is.....now where is that heart? Under that pile of clothes in the living room? Go find it and enjoy a healthy lifestyle with your family & friends!

BTW, here's a recipe for you and enjoy!

Nut Mayonnaise
A simple, healthy spread for wraps or sandwiches.
"Delicious on tomato sandwiches"

1 cup cashews, macadamia nuts or pine nuts, or a combination.
½ to ¾ cup distilled water
½ teaspoon sea salt

Blend all ingredients until smooth and spreadable. Add more water if needed. Store in a glass jar in the fridge, will keep 4-5 days.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Well said....I loved it.....this pushes me more to not leave things for a later time ;)


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